
Star wars kid

The infamous Star Wars kid. No Star Wars blog would be complete without it.


Eeeh Boba....

Check out this image I found on Flickr. Pretty good, huh? 'Course, I added some special touches - words and such.

Exciting News!
George Lucas has had mercy on us!! He has decided to release the original trilogy on dvd, something he had previously promised fandom he would never do. On 09:12:06, the Ewok song will be sung, Han will shoot first and all will once again be right in the galaxy far, far away. Star Wars fans will be dancing in the streets. But be quick about picking up the set, for gone forever on Dec. 31 it will be.


Save the date:
Star Wars: Legacy of the Force: Bloodlines by Karen Traviss hits stores 8:29:06. Pre-order now!!


Well, I finished Star Wars: Legacy of the Force: Betrayal the other day. Absolutely fantastic. I love the humor that Aaron Alston brings. Very reminiscent of the sarcasms and wit to be found in the original series. If the first book is any indication, this series will be one of the best in the Star Wars cannon.


This is my first post for learning 2.0's blog. I read that we're supposed to tell which of the 71/2 Habits is easiest and hardest. So.....
The easiest would be Habit 1- getting the goal in mind. I always have grand ideas.
The hardest would be Habit 3- viewing problems as challenges. I sometimes have this follow through problem. So if you don't see many posts on this blog, you'll all know why.....